
knock knock!

zoey & wren



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-27-2022, 07:36 PM

Zoey, though still anxious about the new chanfes in her life - and the everlasting anxiety of being left alone - felt very much comforted by the two women with her. Wren began by mentioning she knew Abaven and their unfortunate dispersal, and that the yearling could seek her out if she needed to talk. They’d both seen the wet glimmer in her eyes, the tears that didn’t quite flow but were quite visible. She let herself blink, a string or two of teardrops wetting her russet cheeks. She nodded in acknowledgement. Zoey couldn’t just keep everything inside. She had to talk about what she was going through, she knew that. Wren continued, saying if she agreed, she could be trained one-on-one with her. She would be named a Mage in ranking, but could be trained to hunt and expand on her research skills and exploration of new creatures and things. The brightness that had dulled in her eyes twinkled every so slightly. The leader’s words clearly left a positive mark on her..perhaps even a tad of that hidden enthusiasm? Though clearly still melancholic and beaten down, the hope emerged in her expression as she mustered a more relaxed smile this time. "That sounds wonderful, Miss Wren," She said, gratitude clear in her trembling voice. "Thank you so much." Perhaps this place would be more permanent than she had let herself believe. Maybe she did have a home here. A place to belong and feel protected and loved.

The thing that hit her was she was one of the Menagerie now. The tears threatened to pool in her bright umber eyes again before Audra mentioned showing her around. She nodded in agreement, offering a grateful nod to both of them. She still had healing to do, but she was becoming just a bit more confident that she would remain here. Baby steps, right?

”Speech” ‘Think’