
There was a welp within the grass


10-12-2013, 01:55 AM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Life was always a fickle thing, you could hold it in your jaws and snap at it easily. Death was always something she had fallen in love with, and here, there were scents of old wolves and pups all over the place. The beast had to hold her tongue quick along her smile as she moved through the red forest within the snow. One would think, that she was never an innocent pup. The constant abuse from her father resulted in something terrifying and menacing all together. She stood at forty two inches in height, with a scar on each side of her face creeping into a large smile. While the strange lady had black as night fur, bordered with a black under belly and under tail, her eyes were a deep ocean blue to tie over the beauty of it all. And if it was one thing she enjoyed, it was the screaming, it was the feeling of the blood pooling at her feet. She loved the game, she loved the flesh, she loved the rotting, the whole lot of it. She was not afraid of the world, or rather she had been oblivious to it, she lived to make others fear her. Or make them feel uncomfortable, and that was exactly what she could do.
As she trudged through the snow, she hummed happily, a small nursery rhyme her father would sing to her when he was torturing her and her siblings. It sounded completely innocent, with tones of an angel. But it came from the lips of an evil demon who didn't even care about her well being as long as she got to destroy some part of flesh. She snickered, she could have been smart, or not. It was hard to tell with her corrupted mind. There was no telling what she would do, no emotion within her eyes. And the world was left rotting and falling into pieces underneath her. Did something, or someone live here? If they did, she would love to play a game.
