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[ x-large hunt! ]



2 Years

08-28-2022, 11:56 AM
Unbreakable Survivor

” Ciannait,” the earthen youth quickly added as she had realized she had yet to offer her name. However, the only reason she even remembered was due to the long-winded name Nuru had provided. Cian couldn’t help but glance at the woman with slight surprise. The yearling was glad that the teal-lensed woman had offered an easier nickname though.

Soon the plan was laid out by the merle youth. Three would give chase, Jane, Tallulah, and Celeste. The other group, including herself, would cut the beast off once the chase began. This was a dangerous hunt, and though no one was assigned the duty to take the killing blow, Ciannait knew when the opportunity was there it would be taken. Turquoise lenses watched as Nuru took her position and was soon following Vulcan and his fiery pelt on their target’s opposite side. Where Vulcan stopped at the rear, the striped youth continued forward, matching Nuru’s pace.

The chaser team quickly began, surprising the horned beast and causing it to turn towards them. She spotted Tallulah face the beast head on for a split second and then whip around toward its hindquarters, Celeste distracting it with yips, growls and barks. After a moment, the wounded beast took off, and the hunt began.

Ciannait took quick steps, holding her position along the beast’s left side, safely away from its deadly horns and hind limbs. She did not want to be caught in either of their striking range. The moment Nuru moved to cut off their prey, Ciannait did the same, shifting her position nearer the beast’s front left shoulder. Jaws parted, growls leaving her maw, head tucked, and auds pulled down upon her earthen crown. The youth wanted to make herself as small a target as possible while still throwing out her own damaging bites. The water buffalo reared back, rolling its head to and fro in a threatening manner. Though it was wounded, the beast was putting up a fight. A fight Ciannait thought best avoided.

OOC || Hunt Extra-Large Prey: 2/3
