
Award Claims



08-29-2022, 08:07 AM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2024, 12:41 PM by Nyx. Edited 41 times in total.)
Seasonal Events

Pride Month


New!      Easter Egg Hunt 2023 - Participated in the site Easter Egg Hunt of 2023.


   Samhain 2022 - Participated in any activity in the Samhain 2022 event.

   Statue 1 Worship - Made an offering to Statue 1 (Veteran's Plateau) during Samhain 2022.

   Statue 2 Worship - Made an offering to Statue 2 (Descensum) during Samhain 2022.

   Statue 3 Worship - Made an offering to Statue 3 (Soulless Forest) during Samhain 2022.

   Statue 4 Worship - Made an offering to Statue 4 (Hallucination Caves) during Samhain 2022.

   Statue 5 Worship - Made an offering to Statue 5 (God's Garden) during Samhain 2022.


   The Ooze Participant - Participated in any part of The Ooze event of Halloween 2021.

   Ooze Immune - Survived The Ooze event of Halloween 2021 without ever getting sick (must have participated in Phase 2 AND Phase 3).

   All Oozed Out - Submitted an entry to every single phase of the Halloween 2021 Ooze event.

   It's a Miracle - Found a cure for The Ooze in the Halloween 2021 event (2% chance).

   The Ooze - Variation 1 -  Contracted Variation #1 of the Ooze during the Halloween 2021 event.

   The Ooze - Variation 2 - Contracted Variation #2 of the Ooze during the Halloween 2021 event.

   The Ooze - Variation 3 -  Contracted Variation #3 of the Ooze during the Halloween 2021 event.

   Ice Bridge Explorer - Explore the ice bridge. Must complete a 3+ round thread, or an 800 word solo thread, on the Ice Bridge that appeared in Winter of Year 15.  

   Mammoth Hunter - Take down a mammoth successfully in the 2021 Ice Bridge event.  


   Valentines 2020 - Completed a thread for the Valentines Day Event of 2020.  

   Beevent - Participated in the Spring Year 15 seasonal skill prompts.

   Halloween - Haunted House - Completed an adventure in the Haunted House, in the Halloween 2020 Event.  

   Halloween - Witches Hut - Completed an adventure in the Witches Hut, in the Halloween 2020 Event.  

   Halloween - Spooky Cave - Completed an adventure in the Spooky Cave, in the Halloween 2020 Event.  


   Costume Contest 2019 - Participated in the Costume Contest during Halloween 2019.

   Trick 2019 - Got a trick during the Trick or Treat Event during Halloween 2019.

   Treat 2019 - Got a treat during the Trick or Treat Event during Halloween 2019.

   Volcano Survivor - Survived the Volcanic eruption during the Winter of Year 13. (Must have posted at least one post observing or directly experiencing the volcanic eruption.)

   Christmas 2019 - Participate in Day 13 of the 2019 Ardent advent calendar  .

LEGACY AWARDS - no longer claimable

   Critical Hit - Roll a 100 in any category in a rolled fight.  

   Famous - Won a site OTM.

[b]Award Claiming[/b]:
[b]Proof[/b]: <a href="URL GOES HERE">Link</a>