



8 Years
10-12-2013, 05:57 AM

There was no mistake that she was late oh well, no doubt the dame hadn't missed too much as of yet. In fact those ears swerved as she caught her brothers words; giving a speech of encouragement no doubt. Putting a bit more speed into her trot the wraith didn't take long to slither her way up to the left side of her beloved brother allowing their pelts to mingle as Abelinda pressed against him gently. The graceful muzzle lifted to his left ear ever so gently. ?Encouraging words, dear brother.? The serpent would whisper softly only for him to hear as she stepped aside once and firmly sat down. That chin lifted as she took a more regal and graceful pose as their family was always taught to show that royalty they all shared while some held it better then others within the family.

Ghostly eyes gazed at every wolf that was there of which shared the Glaciem scent so few they seemed to be but no doubt they would grow to many given the time to do so, then the ones that shared an odd scent of their own no doubt being that of another pack allies more then likely. A crazed women seemed to be leading them and the few that the phantom did see pitied the ones being led by such a ungraceful women no doubt putting her own to little use as a slave came into view. Poor thing, they shouldn't of abused her as they did, no, rather taken her into their fold and comforted her. Then putting her to use, going as far as using the petty girl for their own gain. No doubt they could achieve much with her those talents likely were hidden from her abusers ones that could be put to a great use. A pity indeed; that gaze however landed on one of whom shared a small size much like her own while sprouting a soft golden color with a pair of interesting colored eyes, perhaps she could be a fun one but alas her attention was soon drawn to her brother no doubt he had more words to spare.