
I just need the skills

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
08-29-2022, 05:15 PM

The other woman didn’t seem to mind Memento Mori’s sudden question, and the maiden was grateful for that. She even mentioned joining with her partner, someone named Greed, not long ago. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who had recently changed her life. Though Memento Mori had not gone to join a pack, nor a band of any sort, she had only recently returned to Auster with Rein and Jacques. She hadn’t even realized how much she’d missed being in these lands… though she was realizing more and more that as a wolf she needed to interact with more creatures of her own kind. She had gotten a taste of such things, of properly socializing, and now? Now she knew she wanted to see others of her own species… alongside Rein and Jacques of course. The jackals would always take priority over any other creature. They were like brothers to her and if they couldn’t be with her then whoever didn’t want them around didn’t deserve her company.

The stranger introduced herself as Claire Ancora and Memento Mori gave pause. Hadn’t she heard of that surname before? Maybe when she was traveling? She wasn’t entirely sure, but it at least sounded a little familiar… though it wasn’t as familiar sounding as the Adravendi line her mother’s family hailed from, that was for certain. Still, it was a reassurance that Claire was going to be her sparring partner today. Meeting a friendly face from the Hallows boded well, especially when Memento Mori was planning her own trip there to request joining… at least temporarily. She wanted to test the waters before she officially joined them after all. If she did. Meme was still a little worried that pack life might not be for her… though the idea of being with family again gave her a flicker of hope in her heart.

“Likewise, Claire.” It would be interesting spar for certain… and maybe they’d each get a small taste of each other’s power. It wouldn’t take long, but maybe, just maybe, Memento Mori could learn something from fighting the slightly smaller girl.

The long-haired woman worked to set her defenses by spreading her limbs and distributing her weight evenly across them. Tail raised and head lowered to align with her spine as Meme’s claws bit into the soil for traction. Her ears fell back and her eyes narrowed with preparation - all standard defenses that would be put up regardless of the type of fight she was in. Then, with a nod, Claire kicked off in an attempt to close the distance.

Memento Mori readied herself as her opponent came head-on to start. Then Claire pivoted, aiming to get past Meme’s left side. It was as she reached Memento’s head that the long-haired woman twisted on her ankles, aiming to bring her body up and to the left, over Claire’s own left side between the middle of her back and rump. She felt Claire’s shoulder point hit her ribs with a lack of force and she knew, at best, there would be bruising in the area later. Memento Mori’s backside pivoted with her, if only slightly, yet it was enough that Claire’s teeth barely grazed against the flesh and failed to break the skin. Memento Mori wanted to attempt to push the other woman to the ground and compromise her balance so that the spar could be won without shedding any blood at all.

Rein and Jacques also came up along either side, snarling and barking. Jacques was more proactive, however, as he sought to crash his body into Claire’s rear to add more strain on it and further compromise her balance.


1,358 / 1,500 Words

"Talk, 'Think.'

Memento Mori vs Claire for Spar
Round 1/1
Age: Over 1 Year {Four Years}
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Companion 1: Black-backed jackal, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Black-backed jackal, Male - Battle
Skills: Advanced Intellectual & Intermediate Fighter
Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.