
Just You and Me



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-29-2022, 06:30 PM

Ezra ignored all of Syanna's playful attempts at pushing away from him or scolding him for his barrage of affection. If anything it just made him pull her even tighter to him and double down on all of the kisses and nuzzles that he was showering her with. She made him feel like nothing else could and kept this excitable energy in his heart, sparking it so easily with just a flash of her smile or the simplest little phrase that made everything feel worth it. He had never really understood the love and relationships that his father had sought out again and again, but now that he had love of his own and someone that made him feel like the very best version of himself he felt like he had a better understanding of him and everything that he had done for their family. Ezra knew that he would do anything to give this beautiful, smart, cunning, kind fae the world and he wanted to see her flourish more than anything else, but she also made him better for it too. She made him think about something other than himself and reminded him why it was worth it to care and love about someone the way he did her. He loved her endlessly and even though he had already known that she loved him too it just felt like this huge moment of trust to have her say it back to him.

The moment that his lips found hers and he started to kiss her with all of the passion and love that he had been keeping held back to give her time and space to heal, he felt her paws grip onto his fur and felt her give into the moment with him which made the hungry fire in his core flare to life for the first time since everything happened. The way his heart began to beat harder in his chest, the heat that spread from everywhere they touched, the quiet, muffled sounds that escaped them both as he kissed her with all of that desire that he had for her... This was really the first time that he felt like it might actually be possible to get back to where they used to be. He knew there was no reversing what had happened and there was no real pretending that it never happened, but he had started to worry that he'd never see or feel this side of Syanna again so this was as reliving as it was thrilling. His strong forelegs wrapped around her sides, his paws resting over her hips as he pulled her to him until their bodies were molded together like finding the puzzle piece that fit him perfectly. He kissed her ravenously for a long, lingering moment with soft groans and growls from the building lust and pent up desire, making out with his wonderful girlfriend that he loved more than he could ever really say with words.

Eventually he managed to pull himself away from her lips with a soft gasp, blinking his ice blue gaze open to look down at her with a sly grin while he panted lightly. The desire and love he felt read easily in his gaze while he continued to hold her snuggly against him, giving her hips a gentle squeeze in his paws. "I love you too..." he finally said softly to her in return, his grin widening as he lightly brushed his lips against hers as he spoke. That was probably obvious from how he reacted, but he would never get tired of telling or showing her how much he loved her. "I love you so much..." He wanted to do more, he wanted to show her how much, he wanted to make love to her, but he didn't want to push her too far too fast either. The side of his muzzle brushed against hers and he nuzzled her cheek with his own, asking softly as his lips reached her ear, "What do you want to do...? Tell me... You set the pace..." The fact that they were even making out after she told him that she loved him already felt like leaps and bounds from where they had been so he didn't want to ask too much of her all at once, but he was willing to go as far as she wanted or stop right where they were.

"Syanna & Ezra"