
The Armada Family


10-12-2013, 07:05 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2013, 06:02 PM by Renesme.)
Original Name: Nekane Lumin
Alignment: neutral/ Evil
Brief History: A few years ago she had met the fallen angel, he was something no women had laid there eyes upon, a night in shining armour most would say. They had an night or 2 and within months she birthed his children and soon after he had gone, why? not even she knew- like the ghost of the night he was. Days became weeks, weeks becoming months. Over time she had learnt to get on with her life, even after her children soon left. Though most find her admiring, she has not found another man, expectations are high. [ if theres any info I need to know you could inbox me?]

Appearance: She bathes in pure sensuality, wrapped in the richest silk- her earthly brown is something to admire above all. She would appear as a myth and lore. What gets wolves the most is her doll like appearance, the look to appear so fragile yet eternally beautiful. Her legs are thin and long, massing up to her medium build- locks of the russet brown reach out from her body, making it appear rather wild and exotic. The underbelly of the mystical creauture appears to me a silvery grey, fading from its natural colour as if it didn't require the efforts that everywhere else would be provided. What defines her the most is the markings. She doesn't appear to be the common wolf with the same common colour, instead a light cream/brown scatters across her build, leaving a trail for others to gaze at in complete awe and envy. it seems to populate around her eyes and ears and then trailing down her ribs the most- with the odd specks around her tail and narrow paws. Finally when you gaze into her eyes its nothing to beautiful- infact its a light pink, the colour you see in the sky in the early mornings, that faint, crisp pink. - doing appearances was never my stong point.

Personality: Some would say she's of superior magnificence, others would think not at all. She is bound to the earth with a subtle grace to thrive- still the nymph craves for some kind of chaotic event in her on coming years. Its not a want, but rather a need for it. Its her fire, her spark when she sees the dark. Instead of using her words, she prefers the movement of her body language. it gives of a much greater meaning. Since departing from her children nekane seems to show little emotion or none at all, even a smile that prints across her face holds no meaning. Perhaps pups are her meaning to switching her sinful ways. She pitys them- it makes her all the more protective, not evil. Nekane is much like anyone else albeit much more of an unpredictably playful wench. Twisting and hurting the minds is such a handy thing. At times it would seem she would have complete control of another- for them to do as she wishes, right on command. There are no inhibitions to bar her from approaching whomever catches her eye. She is a vixen; seductive, charming, and manipulative.