
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Ysmir <3


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
08-30-2022, 02:16 PM

In reality, Gwyn knew that she didn't really have anything to worry about and that Ysmir would certainly want to take her up on the offer, but when he signed 'yes' to her it still felt like a relief mixed with excitement that she had finally convinced herself to take a step toward what she really wanted. She wished she could be as bold and brazen as some of her siblings, but that simply wasn't who she was and there was nothing she could do to change that about herself. Luckily, she had found someone that didn't seem to mind and had been so incredibly sweet and patient with her. They both had things that required understanding and patience from one another and without ever really discussing it they had fallen easily into this slow and steady way of building their relationship and trust. She would be forever grateful for Ysmir's gentleness and loyalty when she knew that it likely would have been easier to find someone else if he wanted things to move faster.

Still, as happy as she was to move steadily through their relationship, there were some things she was more eager to explore and some she even felt were long over due—the things that made her stomach fill with butterflies and her heart race when she thought about them. It felt like he was reading her thoughts when he added that her small room would just mean that he would be closer to her, making a grin pull across her features and a soft giggle escape her while her face flushed. As he snuggled closer she did the same despite the skip her heart made at the feeling of his dark fur mingling with hers and the way her more slim, dainty frame molded into the more strong, defined planes of his. She loved the smirk that pulled at his features and as he said how he was glad that she had finally asked she made herself promise to not run away from this exciting, overwhelming feeling that made something she couldn't describe flare to life in her core. "I am too," she said softly, a slight breathlessness to her voice as he leaned down for his lips to find hers, returning his kiss as her tail wagged gently behind her and lightly brushed against his thigh in the process.

Pushing her limits, Gwyn didn't let his lips leave hers right away, instead leaning into him a bit more and pressing her lips back to his when he went to pull away. She appreciated the fact that he had let her set the pace of their relationship more than she would ever be able to tell him, but part of her just wanted him to make that next step for her. He made her feel loved and desired like no one else had and now she was ready for him to show her anything and everything that he might have been holding back. When their lips parted, her lavender and sage eyes flickered open to look back up into the silver and sapphire gaze go his, a little grin tugging at her lips as her paw wrapped around his with a gentle squeeze. "Do you... want to go up to my room right now?" she asked softly, her words airy and breathless from the promise and intention they held. She thought her heart might just beat right out of her chest, but she was starting to learn the difference between the things that excited her and the things that were frightening. She trusted Ysmir whole heartedly and was ready to show him that.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"