In Too Deep
Rowan + Lucian
08-30-2022, 02:39 PM
It had felt like quite the journey atop the mans back, having to adjust himself every few steps just to hang on made the trip seem like forever. It truly was a miracle when they had arrived, the shift between the deluge of storm and the leaking water through the partly built shelter being night and day even to the near blind man. The growing-familiar man slumped him off his back and helped him to his paws before he feebly shook the water from his coat. It was a shimmy at best, enough to get some off but left him dripping anyway with it still coming in through the holes in what doubled as their ceiling.
He was much quicker to respond to the orders this time despite shivering from his drenched, thin coat and tired body. As the man moved to collect more mud, Luce squinted through the rain and positioned himself so that he could reach what he would be handed. He did his best attempting to block where the storm was getting in, pressing the concoction of mud and grass and sticks into the holes and packing them as tightly as he could manage without much sight or strength, though he was lucky to regain at least some of his sight with each and every hole that was patched. Once Lucian couldn't hear the storm coming into the shelter anymore, he sighed and slumped his tired body down and sighed. "There, I-I-I think we g-got it," he stammered, his voice weak as he called out.
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