
notch your arrow!

[ x-large hunt! ]


08-30-2022, 05:05 PM

The others came in and Ngurulivu moved to slash and tear at the beast’s flesh with ripping motions. She’d dance back, avoiding limbs, only to come back in once more to tear at the wounds she made again. It was messy and hard, but they were all doing their part to bring the beast down. She even saw Tallulah get on the beast’s back, adding pressure and strain to its already weakened body by adding a bite to the neck. The beast likely ended up dying from blood loss, no particular wound taking its life, but it had gotten weaker and weaker as it fought, and, eventually, it had perished.

Tallulah took her meat and settled down, and the red man moved to eat as well. The silver woman, Jane, took some meat with her for her pack. Ngurulivu had taken a good chunk herself, though it was for herself and her brother. She’d have to make a trek to the North to share it with Florian but it was appreciated meat all the same. A meal they wouldn’t have been able to enjoy if the other wolves in this hunt hadn’t all worked together. She glanced at those still present, dipping her head to them.

“An enjoyable hunt, thank you. I hope that you all enjoy it - It is a well-deserved meal.” Then, to Tallulah directly she shifted her attention and gave a small smirk. “As for you, Tallulah, until next time. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before we cross paths again.” With that said she picked up her share of the meal and headed off.


Extra-Large Hunt (Water Buffalo) - 3 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'