
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Ysmir <3


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (70)

5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2022, 05:10 PM
He’d seen Gwynevere after she had been attacked so long ago, he’d felt her fear and he knew in his heart he had to help her. That devotion just never really dissipated. His heart’s desire just grew into everything Gwynevere was. The sweetest woman he had ever met, she was always so giving of herself even when the world took so much from her. She felt fear, and yet he had seen her face those fears, he’d seen the bravery that resided in her heart and the strength it took to be that woman. A healer devoted to her craft, to her pack, and to her family. Ysmir still marveled that she saw so much in him, that she had helped him create a way to speak the words that could never leave his lips. Ysmir felt like she truly was the other half of him, his soul mate and the woman the gods made for him to marry.

Of course Ysmir would have to fight through his own insecurities before something like that were to happen. He wasn’t ready to be in the spotlight like Gwyn’s brothers and their mates. Taking things slow and discreetly was more his pace. He didn’t really mind how private they were with their relationship either. Part of the reason he hadn’t pushed something like sharing a room.. And a bed together. The thoughts weren’t os far from his mind as Gwyn snuggled closer and giggled at his signed words. The sight of her smile and the sound of her voice warmed his heart and coaxed butterflies in his belly. As his stomach fluttered there was a deeper feeling that grew. Something much more meaningful and ancient that drove many of the instincts he followed as he held Gwyn there in the gardens, eventually kissing her sweet lips.

Like electricity sparked from her touch the taste of her had waves of the popping exciting feeling racing over his skin. He fell deep into their kiss, tentatively pressing his tongue to her lips, wanting more than just their innocent affections. Ysmir wanted to claim her mouth, to hold her tighter than he had before, and instead of holding those feelings back her own enthusiasm spurned him forward. His body ruled him more than any thought in those moments before they were both pulling away in a gasp for air.

He took in a deep breath as he blinked open his eyes to find her mint and lavender gaze. Her breathy words a whisper he could feel against his lips as she asked if they should find their way there now. Ysmir found his mind ticking again. If he followed instincts any further they might find themselves in trouble. The hint of suggestion in her words had him nodding with enthusiasm as he caught his breath. Carefully he lifted himself to his paws, and offered to help her up as well. The feelings of her soft fur, and the way she looked at him focused that sharp thought. Ysmir wanted to take these next steps in their relationship with Gwyn. He had for a long time, but her hesitance and his own shortcomings had him restrained for a very long time.
Ysmir is mostly mute, he also has a Gyrfalcon named Barenziah and an Arctic Fox called Krah who are likely nearby.