
I only wanted the life I'd read about and dreamed



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-30-2022, 07:17 PM
He would never know the mans exact thoughts, if he knew of him or had heard of him somehow, if he knew exactly why his family had exiled him and formed his opinion on him based on that already. If he could sweat, they'd be bullets, but the man hardly seemed phased at first. It made Kunai a bit suspicious, but he kept his own thoughts hidden.

Finally the man spoke, asking him what he had done to earn the position in which he sat now. Would he have preferred to stay with his family even in the best case scenario and his choices being accepted? Still unlikely. It'd likely hurt just as bad being without the man he sought for to find here regardless of his parents opinions. Being exiled just gave him no other choice, though he couldn't say he was proud of it. The shame he was made to feel from his parents was what had affected him now, and admitting it to someone else was hard enough as it was. He had his own feelings for Usagi to sort out as well as his own... admitting them to the Kaicho before he was even fully ready to admit them himself was proving harder to be than he thought.

Best not leave the man waiting though, and if he were to be judged the same he supposed that was best to know now, as well. He wasn't ready to speak, his mouth suddenly very dry and strained, but he forced the words out anyway... though softer than his voice had been before, hiding the fact from any other nearby listeners. "I'mgay," he muttered quickly, mismatched ears pinned back as equally mismatched eyes darted away from the man and towards his paws.


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