
Something New




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 01:14 AM

Something about her, whether it was her appearance, her demeanor, or her response—or maybe a combination of those things—seemed to capture his attention and his grin grew as she easily and casually accepted his ofter of sharing his dinner with her. She smirked as he mentioned how she could have told him no and watched as he drug the deer closer between them before glancing up at her with a suave, debonaire way about him, saying how it was more fun to say yes. The suggestion was difficult to miss in his tone and it made her smirk pull into a more proper grin as he peeked up at her through his lashes. It had been a very long time since she had pursued any sort of interest without Alastor or without some other kind of connection. A random, chance encounter like this certainly hadn't pulled her attention since she was a much younger and far less commented fae. She thought for a moment that she ought to just shut the brute down now instead of leading him on, but... There was no harm in enjoying being wanted, right?

Kavik easily and neatly opened up the fresh kill so that they could pick what they wanted from the carcass, giving a small display of his skills in the process. She had already gathered that he was a competent hunter from the ease he had taking down the deer in the first place, but she had to admit that hunting and preparing the kill afterwards were two separate skills to develop so she was impressed with his work. There was a certain finesse that he lacked that told her that he wasn't as dedicated a hunter as herself or Alastor, but she wouldn't hold that against him. For someone that didn't hunt constantly she was just happy that he didn't make a mess of the thing like some wolves would. He offered her the first pick and she gave him a smirk, replying, "A gentleman." She rolled to her paws then so she could better reach the portion of the doe that she wanted and easily cut away the still warm meat with her deadly claws. She sliced free a portion she was happy with and then settled down in the grass once more across from her unexpected guest.

As she settled in to begin eating, the pale brute finally introduced himself with quite an interesting and unusual family name. She cast an interested glance toward him, but before she could ask about it he asked for her name in return—while slipping in a compliment over her appearance at the same time. A sly smirk tugged at the corner of her lips and she chuckled softly. He was laying it on thick, but she couldn't say that she wasn't enjoying the attention. "Manea Mendacium," she replied, slicing off a piece of the meat between her paws with a claw and popping it into her mouth while her aqua gaze remained on his, curiously assessing the bold wolf across from her. "Tell me a bit about yourself, Kavik. What brings a guy like you out hunting at this time of night?"

"Manea Mendacium"