
Locomotor Wibbly



The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-31-2022, 12:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2024, 02:00 PM by Phantom. Edited 3 times in total.)
He was in his little corner of the ship, separating some plants he had collected around the pines and found in small jars around the ship. He didn't know what most of them were, but they sure smelled nice and some of them were colorful. He broke open a jar to reveal a stash of dried red berries, and he had absolutely no idea where they were. He sniffed them, noting they smelled pretty sweet before setting them aside next to a couple of other herbs. He got up and moved to his little shelf of other berries and herbs, picking up a small satchel of another berry he had collected the other day and carrying them back to where he was sitting. However, as he made to set the berries down, the satchel tie slipped off and the bright red berries tumbled out, rolling across the ground and mixing with the ones that he had previously put there.

"Uh oh..." Crap. The berries from the jar and the berries from the satchel looked almost identical and he wasn't sure now which was which. He hovered his nose over them to try and see if he could pick them out that way, but they both smelled sweet and the herbs he was surrounded with made it difficult for his unskilled nose to determine what scent belonged to which berry. He looked between the two, wondering if he could figure it out but...ultimately...gave up. Oh well. It's not like he planned on feeding them to anyone until he knew what they did.

Concocted a poison: 1/3

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Locomotor Wibbly S.S. Antiox 12:17 PM, 08-31-2022 12:21 PM, 07-16-2024
2. Locomotor Wibbly IC Archives 12:21 PM, 07-16-2024 05:22 AM, 02-20-2024