
Something New




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 03:52 PM

Manea gave a small dip of her head and a grin to his approval of her name, replying, "Thank you, I'm quite fond of it." He wasn't over bearing with his flirting and was quite sly and knowing in how he approached her. This was obviously not his first time playing this game and the skilled brute certainly knew what he was doing. As he settled in to eat his share of the venison across from her, she occasionally let her gaze drift across the strong planes of his form since she had no doubt that he was doing the same to her whether she caught him doing it or not. Eventually though, as she broke the silence with the question she posed to him, her attention was fully returned to his icy gaze as he responded with a grin and chuckle. She responded with a soft chuckle of her own when he suggested that he was out chasing his destiny, her own tongue swiping across her muzzle as well. She listened as he described what had brought him to Boreas and how he was new to this area, a man looking for his place in this world that just so happened to wander toward these woods in pursuit of a deer.

He held her gaze with a deep intensity as he said that, pointedly bringing up how this series of events landed him here with her. She raised a brow as a small smirk crossed her lips at the direct and bold claim he seemed to be making with the statement. It was amusing, in a way, the amount of parallels she felt between how she met Alastor and now. A surprise encounter, a kill, talk of destiny... Of course her first adventure with Alastor had been far more violent and bloody, but the similarities were still there. Even though she had grown more realistic and grounded since becoming a mother and an alpha she did still tend to think that the world put certain wolves in their lives at certain times for certain reasons... even if those reasons weren't immediately apparent. The grin that pulled across his features at some unspoken thought made her smirk pull into a grin as well, making her chuckle as she finished off the last couple of bites of her meal and gave her paw a slow lick to clean away the blood there. "You're an interesting one, Kavik. No doubt about that," she teased lightly, crossing one paw neatly over the other once again.

While he continued with his own meal, he turned the questions to her, asking why she would choose to stay here for the night when she obviously had a pack to go back to. Chuckling a bit and stretching to get a bit more comfortable, she replied, "Well, if you must know, I was on a trip to visit an ally of mine in the southern continent. I'm on my way back now and got half way before it got too late to keep going. I haven't enjoyed a quiet, peaceful night on my own since I met my mate and formed my pack so I thought why not take advantage of this lovely spot to do just that?" She gave him a playful glare as she grinned and added, "Well, it was quiet and peaceful until a certain brute came crash landing into my willow tree with dinner."

"Manea Mendacium"