
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 05:30 PM
Irilyth was so delightfully delicious and wonderful to tease that as they spoke on what would be considered more serious topics she just couldn't resist groping and feeling up her little healer. Her large paws roamed incessantly across her rump, enjoying the feeling of her feminine, delicate form and the way that every squeeze and feel she got of Irilyth pulled another reaction from her which Irilyth was doing an awful job at hiding. A low murr sounded in her chest from the feeling of Irilyth's claws coming through the fur on her chest and in the quiet, thoughtful hesitation that Irilyth had as she processed what she had been told, Manea struggled to keep her mind on the topic at hand until finally Irilyth finally expressed how everything she was being given was too much, but that she did accept the offer.

Manea grinned happily and gave Irilyth's rump another firm squeeze in response and gave a pleased hum as her former handmaiden slid down her body to drape her more delicate frame on top if hers. Her tail wagged gently as her sweet lover started to pepper her lips and muzzle with adorable kisses, making her grin even wider and chuckle softly as she returned the tender affections. Everything Irilyth did just cemented a more permanent place in her heart for the raspberry eyed woman and reminded her of how much she cared for her. Irilyth was far from pure or innocent, but sometimes she did things like these shy, sweet kisses that made her feel as though she was.

Manea noticed how Irilyth's ears folded back as something seemed to cross the other woman's mind and she looked at her lover curiously, trying to decipher what had caused her to feel this embarrassment that she could easily read on her delicate features. The question she asked revealed it to her and Manea relaxed again, chuckling with amusement as she wrapped her forelegs more properly around Irilyth's waist again to give her an affectionate squeeze. "Of course not. That's your home as much as it is mine. That den is for my family and you are part of my family, my love. In fact..." She gave Irilyth a cheeky grin and she chuckled, swiping her tongue playfully over her lover's nose. "Alastor should just be grateful I'm not making you move in with us to our bed so I can be with you every night."  

She knew she couldn't do that without having to share Irilyth with Alastor and she selfishly wanted to keep Irilyth to herself—partially because of the love she had for her and her want to protect her from what she knew Irilyth didn't enjoy and partially as some sort of way to even the playing field with Alastor over Relm... even though her keeping Irilyth to herself didn't seem to bother him the way him spending so much time alone with Relm irritated her. Regardless, Irilyth was hers and she planned on keeping it that way. Pushing those thoughts away, she grinned and slid her paws down over Irilyth's rump again, chasing away any thoughts beyond this delectable fae on top of her and how much she wanted to make her squirm and moan again. So that's what she did—again and again for as long as this wonderful aphrodisiac eventually faded and then some. The drugs that Irilyth concocted were certainly very effective and a lot of fun, but she hardly needed them. She was hungry for her beautiful lover regardless.

"Manea" & "Irilyth"