
Lets Play Doctor




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
08-31-2022, 06:09 PM

He didn't have any real expectation for her reaction to his explanation of how he had ended up this way, but he supposed her swear and appology was as good as he could have hoped for. He nodded quietly and continued to grit his teeth while she continued her work and manipulated this nearly severed tail. If there was one good thing about the sharp, burning pain that was radiating from the wound it was the fact that it was keeping him distracted and made it impossible for him to really think about what had happened or his father. All he could really think about was Tira and what she was doing to patch him up which at this point was a blessing. When she told him that it was going to hurt and she didn't have any pain killers he just nodded again with a grunt and began to brace himself for whatever it was she needed to do while he glanced back at her from the corner of his eye. At this point it just had to be what it was and if he had to sit through it and bear it then that's what he was going to have to do. If the options were that or risking bleeding out or loosing his tail he'd rather take that option.

He watched as she reached back into her bag for something and pulled out some pointed leaves before looking at them with consideration and then handing them over to him with a set of instructions. He raised a brow at her when she said how it would make him feel 'weird' and it made him wonder what it was since she had just told him that she didn't have any pain killers, but he trusted her so he nodded and took them regardless. He started chewing the leaves, the bitter, earthy taste that herbs usually had filling his mouth, and when it was paste-like he did as she said and tucked the lump of chewed up leaves under his tongue. Pretty quickly that numbing sensation she had mentioned started to spread through his mouth and over his tongue, making his mouth feel slightly tingly in the process. He continued to let it sit while doing his best to ignore the throbbing ache from his tail until eventually that ache started to feel more distant. He could still feel it, but it almost felt farther away some how and the tinging he felt on his tongue started to spread down his limbs. He didn't know what this stuff was, but it gave him a little bit of relief and allowed his muscles to start to relax a bit so he was thankful for whatever it was.

His ears perked a bit when she spoke and he turned his head to look back at her when she questioned whether he could feel anything. "Yeah... Yeah, I can feel lit," he replied in a quiet rumble, the way he was holding his tongue to keep the chewed up leaves under it making his words come out slightly off. The longer he let it sit the more it started to seem into his system and the more that floating, tingling feeling started to take hold. He didn't know what went into how much this stuff effected him, but he had already been a little light headed and dizzy from the blood loss and exertion of it all so he wondered vaguely if that had any sort of sway in it. Either way, he prepared himself for the worst and figured he could be pleasantly surprised if this helped at all.
