
Chasing in the storm




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
08-31-2022, 11:11 PM

Kichi normally didn’t feel a need to travel overly far to hunt but he had scented elk and chosen to follow the scent. These rapids had once belonged to another pack. There were certainly plenty of smells of other wolves having passed in and out of this area but no signs of the official markings of land ownership. It was interesting how quickly prey would become more numerous in an area that wolves had departed. Smart prey knew to not step on wolf land.

The wind picked up quickly, whipping his fur and Kichi smelled the rain promised in each gust. He also smelled the young elk and if he left now the scent would surely vanish after the storm. It was always amazing how fast a blue sky could turn dark grey from rain clouds. The lightning danced, trying to break free from the clouds, brightening up the bottom of each cloud. The grass was like its own river of green as the wind kept it rippling and the thunder was growling deeply above him.

Kichi shrugged it off. He’d spent many a night outside in the storms before he joined the pack. A fat drop of rain hit him, another and a few more and then the storm was on him. He stepped under a tree, at least a little less rain striking his face and shoulders but, that wasn’t why he stood there. The elk was nearby. Were it not raining Kichi was sure he’d be able to see it but the downpour shortened his line of sight. The rain dampened the scent but it wasn’t gone.

Kichi stepped around the tree but then stopped as another scent came to him, turning his head to the right he could make out the form, at least the front portion of another wolf. Then lightning flashed and for a moment two things became clear. The elk is further away near the water's edge and the wolf is near him. She was probably bright colored normally though in this weather the colors were all muted. Kichi gave the wolf a silent nod before turning his head to where the elk was. The water next to it was raging fast, froth spraying about and Kichi doubted anyone would want to risk jumping in that.

“You can help if you like.” Some asked or suggested pairing up but not Kichi. He’d attempt it alone if need be but he wasn’t going to invite a stranger along as if he needed their help. The gray wolf would permit it though because, well, he’d probably need the help.

Word Count: 432 / 1500
