
Agni Kai

The Final Showdown


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
09-01-2022, 12:50 AM
There had been barely a moment after he made it back to the castle and reunited with Syanna before Artorias came to find him. He hadn't wanted to leave her so soon and gods knew he was exhausted from the weeks of searching, but the deep, boiling rage wasn't going to let him rest if that beast was still out there anyway so he pushed himself onward as he followed Artorias and Chimera into the night along with Rudyard, the four males following the information they had from his most recent victims and the scent trail they were able to find to start tracking him down. Three of the four of them were seasoned hunters so if there was even a whisper of that bastards scent on the ground they were sure to find it. Sure enough, they followed the trail up toward the volcanic lake, the warm, occasionally rumbling rock under paw. The adrenaline pumping through his veins kept his attention sharp and as they neared a campfire in the distance he stopped behind Artorias to get his direction. He nodded and gave a quiet tip of his head to Rudy for the two of them to go the opposite direction as Artorias and Chimera. He didn't necessarily like the idea of splitting up when he knew how dangerous this guy was, but he understood it was necessary to find him as quickly as possible.

He and Rudy moved silently around through the shadows, avoiding the light of the fire and slightly breaking off from one another as they searched the area that was most heavy with his scent. It was deadly quiet and the fire gave them barely enough light to catch shadows moving in the distance... At least it did until suddenly a random stream of liquid from above snuffed out the fire. His ears perked and he tried to look up toward where the water would have come from, but the cloud of smoke that billowed up from the former campfire obscured his vision and made it difficult to make out any kind of shape in the heavy shadow and darkness. There was a slight movement through the smoke and then a sudden clatter off to the side of him by maybe a dozen feet or so. It was obviously a distraction, but with his gaze fixed on where he thought the rock came from he was able to watch as the second one flew through the air and that gave him the lead he needed.

"Rudy!" he hissed in a whisper, getting the mottled male's attention before motioning for him to follow and beginning to quietly pick his way up the cliffs of the rocky and mountainous terrain. He didn't know exactly where he was, but he knew he was at least somewhere up here. His exact position wasn't given away though until Ezra heard the growls and snarls kick off up ahead and his hackles bristled at the sound. Completely disregarding any attempts at being quiet, Ezra bounded forward with long strides, sliding a bit a couple of times in his mad scramble to get up the cliff side. By the time he and Rudy made it up there he saw Chimera pinning the massive slate brute to the ground tearing apart his shoulder, and Artorias being freed from under him. Feeding off of the adrenaline and rage and keeping the thought of his broken, battered girlfriend firmly in the front of his mind, Ezra rushed forward without wasting any more time and threw his weight on top of their target as well, landing on the brute's hip to keep him pinned to the ground and unable to wriggle away. With a vicious snarl he snatched Oxx's hind leg between his jaws, serrated teeth immediately ripping and tearing through skin and muscle. Pushing one of his forepaws into his thigh, Ezra yanked and twisted his head back, dislodging the joint at his knee with a sickening, pull and crush so that even if he did manage to get up he wouldn't be going very far.

"Ezra Adravendi"