
know your enemy


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
09-01-2022, 04:23 PM

The leggy yearling followed the border of the forest, going through the motions of doing a patrol like his father usually did. In reality he didn't really know what he was supposed to be doing or looking for when he was doing this, but now that he was a year old and an apprentice he felt like he ought to be doing something to help out around the pack! This felt like an easy enough task to start out with so he had started walking around the edge of the pack every day just like Plague did. Sometimes he'd go at the same time as his dad and do the patrol with him to 'learn' what he was supposed to be doing, but his mind usually wandered and when he went to do it himself the next day he had already forgotten what it was he had been told. Never the less, he went on about his now usual routine, figuring he could at least make sure no one was near the borders or something like that.

Usually the patrols were quiet and uneventful, but as he rounded the edge of the pale trees near the river he noticed a stranger's scent pretty strongly near by. It was the first time he had ever caught anything that had warranted him stopping before and now that he had he wasn't entirely sure what to do. He stood at the border, peering out into the foliage in the distance as he tried to pick out where the scent was coming from. "Um... Hey! Whoever you are!" he called out, trying to puff out his chest with a frown in some attempt at being intimidating. "You better not be planning on coming into our land! Cause uh... I'll stop you if you do!" He stood there for a moment, eyeing his surroundings and trying to determine if anyone was actually there or if he was just imagining things and he was just yelling into nothing and making a fool of himself.

"Sitri Abraxas-Destruction"