
Safe Haven

Asheila, Kane, Artorias


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-01-2022, 05:55 PM
Tamsyn had always been impressed with the strength and resilience of her children as they faced hardships and challenges that she had hoped none of them would ever need to concern themselves with. Ash was certainly no exception as she made herself as comfortable as she could manage on the infirmary cot while Kane assembled the materials he would need to finish treating her. The longer she sat here with Ash the more things she thought of that Ash had missed—good and bad—and tried to keep track of them so that when when this was all done and her daughter had time to rest she would be able to fill her in on it all. Even though everything had happened around her for the most part, aside from taking Kane as her new mate and the children they had together, she somehow still felt responsible for breaking some of the harder news to her daughter. Perhaps it was some bit of guilt that she hadn't been able to keep her children safe that made her feel like the least she could do was be the one to tell her of the tragedies they had been though and comfort her through that grief, but regardless she would do it.

When Kane passed over the vial with the instruction for Ash to drink it, Tamsyn helped and made sure she was able to hold it or would help tip it into her mouth if she needed her to. With that done, she took the vial and placed it on the table with the rest of her mate's supplies before resuming her position beside Ash. "If you need my help just let me know," she told Kane quietly as she glanced over at him before taking Asheila's paw again, giving her another comforting smile while they waited for the pain medicines she had been given to take effect. She just wanted to get through this for her so she could finally rest. She could see how exhausted Ash was in her tired eyes and all she wanted was for her daughter to be able to sleep knowing she was somewhere safe.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley