
ain't doing it for a round of applause

[ akuma, seasonal ]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
09-01-2022, 10:09 PM
Horns!? His eyes grew wide for a moment. Were horns good or bad? Wouldn't that make him a freak? Mom had some weird flippy fangs. Snake fangs if he remembered the creepy snake that always hung around. He didn't like snakes. They looked slimy. He knew they weren't, but Lilith freaked him out too much so he made it a point to keep her away. Or tried to. It was hard when she was around mom all the time. "Are they good or bad though? What if they grow in weird or somethin'!? I don't want them!" He shook his head back and forth several times the way an anime character would in all its dramatic glory. Then when Imp said he had a toothache, he stopped. "What if you get teeth like mom!? Can that happen!? Snakes freak me out! I don't like Lilith at all! She's creepy!" He shuddered when he thought about that slimy-looking snake!

He shoved the last bit of bones outside the den, listening as Imp complained about them doing all the work. "Got that right! Our older brothers and sisters are so lazy, aren't they? Can't even help us clean! We're the ones helping mom! It's gross to eat where you sleep and leave it all dirty!" He plopped down on his butt, the idea of making someone else clear away the rest of the crap by making it super obvious was very appealing. "There, we did it!" His brother exclaimed, and Akuma's tail wagged as an idea popped into his head. "Why don't we leave them outside of someone else's den? That way it'll stink up their dens. We'll show those lazy butts!"