
Is it something to do with where I come from

Joe / Shelby

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
09-01-2022, 10:09 PM

Memento Mori was grateful that Artorias understood where she was coming from. She wanted to make the right decisions not only for herself but for her companions as well. Rein and Jacques meant so much to her… she didn’t want to be somewhere that the three of them couldn’t be happy. She glanced to the boys, giving a nod to each before she stepped into the lands of the Hallows to walk alongside the Aegis and her cousin as they spoke. There was a feeling of uncertainty washed over her for now but she was sure with time that would fade. She just had to get to know the wolves of the Hallows… and maybe, in time, she could find that this place was as much a home to her as it was to Ezra or Artorias.

“I appreciate it greatly. My intentions are definitely of the right sort, I assure you. I’m not interested in drama, or, as I said before, hurting those who are my kin. I might not know them well enough yet, but that doesn’t mean I’d want to harm them or their loved ones.” She spoke honestly and adamantly about that. She didn’t want to do anything that might harm those she called family. And hurting their loved ones would be an extension of that in her eyes. For the moment though she would listen to Artorias speak. It went beyond being kind to her as kin of a Hallow’s member, but they offered sanctuary and a place of healing to all who needed it. Still, it was a reassurance that the Aegis wasn’t worried about what she might see - they had no secrets to hide.

“It is kind of you to offer that sanctuary. I know some packs will, so long as a wolf has good intentions, though not every pack is so open-minded or kind.” She commented on the matter. And of course, Rein had shared her hopes as well. Though she had been embarrassed about it Meme didn’t mind Artorias and Ezra knowing. It was the truth, after all. Artorias spoke once more and Meme gave a small nod. “That wasn’t always my hope, but it’s not far off from my wishes now. I want to live my life as something a bit bigger than myself and help those around me, though where that part of my life has yet to be seen.” It wouldn’t be as an alpha, as her mother had hoped, but perhaps she could learn to be useful to a pack, maybe even the Hallows, and one day rise in rank. There was no telling what the future might hold for her.

Artorias then turned his attention over to Ezra and Memento Mori glanced at her cousin as he spoke. A family… One that, even after his parents had disappeared or left supported each other. It sounded wonderful… to have wolves to rely on like that. “That’s kind of how my bond with Rein and Jacques is.” She said, glancing over her shoulder at the two brothers. “When I left mom, Cel, and Uncle Ulric after my maim fight as a yearling I wandered alone for a long time. It was incredibly lonely, and at first, I felt bitter that my mother had started slipping so much that she was barely there for me.” She frowned thoughtfully.

“Then I met Jacques. He might be quiet, and far more stern than his brother, but he’s a good guy. He lifted my spirits in no time and we developed an inseparable bond. When we ran into Rein, that bond only got stronger, and the three of us have been traveling together ever since. We might not be related by blood, but we’d give our all for one another, no questions asked.” She looked between the two male wolves as she walked and added. “I feel this is the best place to be then. If a wolf can not be bonded to its pack as if they were kin then how can it really be a good fit?” She smiled a little.

“Are there many wolves living here?” She asked, wondering just how many members of the Hallows there were.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.