
The silence is deafening


10-12-2013, 06:14 PM

Occ: M for language.

A snarl left those thin black lips as the boy yapped about this or that growing more irritated by the moment. "Cease your prattling boy; you have nothing to do with this save the stick between your damned legs. If you want to lose your balls I suggest you suggest you shut the fuck up." Taking a step forward before the golden witch beside her spoke and only caused the dame to chuckle. "Wonderful words my dear." Already she was getting on The Pendragon good side. Her eyes fixating on Ozz as she opened the maw to speak up yet again. "Deary, you choose a bad time to do this. Being labeled as a traitorous bitch is never a good thing; Canttina will never leave you alone until your guts are spilled upon this earth." Morgana was indeed going all out as she spoke not giving a damn what the others thought. an odd look was in her frosted eyes left vanished quickly soon after; she liked Ozz sure but Morgana was simply doing what she had to. The dame wasn't going to go against Canttina at least not yet.