
what's so cool about buffalo, anyways?

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Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-01-2022, 10:17 PM

Lucette’s shook her head as Azure spoke. “Bae-Syl’s cousins are after him. They would attack me for being close, but since my parents went North, they will be safe. Out of harm's way. The cousins wouldn’t know about them knowing Bae-Syl at all. I…” Lucy frowned. “I’m a little worried about telling them, truthfully. My mom already… well… thought Bae-Syl was someone who might have had me as a slave and attacked him once.” She frowned at the memory. She didn’t want to be separated from Bae-Syl, and that was why she was so worried about telling them anything at all. What parent in their right mind would knowingly leave a child in a dangerous situation?

“I don’t want to be separated from Bae…” Even if staying with him could risk her life she had developed a bond with the other yearling, one that she didn’t want to be severed. She didn’t realize that her feelings for Bae-Syl were stronger than mere friendship yet, too young to understand such things, but they were there. Azure continued to speak, bringing up his pack, and offered protection to her, to Bae-Syl, and even her parents, if they weren’t already off in another pack. Lucette frowned thoughtfully.

He had a point… there was definitely strength in numbers and a pack experienced with such things would be the safest option. She shifted though, uneasy, not wanting to upset Bae-Syl… but at the same time, she wanted to say yes. She was scared, no, terrified of what might happen if she actually met those cousins. Of what they might do to her just to hurt Bae-Syl and keep him under their paw. And, though Lucy would never admit it openly, she knew Bae worried about the same thing too… about turning on her one day. What would she do if it was just her then? She couldn’t exactly fight him. Gods, she knew she wouldn’t be able to… kill him… if it came down to it… like he wanted…

“I’ll have to talk it over with Bae… It’s not my decision alone.” Lucy shifted a little and glanced at Azure. The mix of emotion and fear in her eyes was clear. She didn’t want to have to think about it, but she was being respectful of someone she cared about. “I will keep the knowledge of the Armada stored away though. I wish I could say that I wouldn’t need their protection but, well, you and I both know that would be a lie.” Her gaze swept out over the knolls.

“I love exploring, and meeting others, but I’m not immune to danger… or getting hurt. The last thing I want is to end up worn like some cape by some sick wolf whose only intention is hurting someone I care for and trying to control them by killing me.” She furrowed her brow. “I hope it won’t be the case, Azure, but I may one day need to come to your pack alone…” She didn’t go into further detail for now, but she looked back at him gratitude mingling with the rest of her emotions.

“Thank you for your offer though, Azure. It is… more appreciated than you know.”

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.