
En Garde!

Spring seasonal prompt - Y18



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-02-2022, 12:07 AM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She waited for Amorielle to begin, and when the smaller woman finally kicked off, Tel's eyes widened in surprise at how fast Amorielle really was. She hadn't expected the other woman to be that quick, and when she swung the staff to try and knock her over, she missed. Amorielle had sped past her, lower to the ground than Tel had anticipated and faster than she herself could move, apparently. The rust-marked she-wolf managed to slip past, giving Tel a nip to her side which made her jump a bit from surprise. She expected a hit to her back leg, so she raised it out of the way just in case, but nothing came. She turned to try and see where Amory's position was, and all she saw on her left side was a tail disappearing behind her.

She kicked out with her raised foot before replanting it, but of course, there was no contact. Confused, she turned to her right to find Amorielle already standing there, and it was evident Tel wasn't going to be able to get the upper hand. It felt weird using the staff. She swore it made her feel slower to react, and she didn't like that. If Amorielle had been a predator or a more vicious opponent, she knew she would've and could've been seriously injured, or worse. She knew that if she tried to swing the other way, Amorielle would have too much time to react already, so Tel admitted defeat and dropped the staff. "Okay, I submit. You're too fast for me, and this...staff...makes me feel too slow. I didn't even know you could move that fast, I'm impressed!" Yeah, she much rather preferred the use of her own teeth and claws after that mess.

WC: 1,507/1,500
