
it's a party and you're invited!

[ fest meet and greet ]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-02-2022, 01:07 AM

The time had come!

Menagerie was finally ready to hold it's Summer Fest and Beauregard could hardly wait. He was practically bubbling with excitement as he padded through the Sparse Pines. He had explained to Tanelan his intent to participate and hoped the other man would come as well… though Beauregard wasn't sure that he would. Still, it would be a wonderful event to get to know not only pack members but strangers as well. Allies too. The yearling could hardly wait. And then, next season, he would even be considered an adult by his peers. That was another reason to feel excited. He could hardly wait to prove himself and become a full-fledged member of Menagerie!

Heading to the meeting area he found a member of Menagerie he hadn't met yet, her pups, the winged man and his mate that he had seen, a stranger, Wren… they were already coming together for how many wolves were showing up and there were more to come even still! Beauregard's tail wagged behind him as he approached Voodoo, smiling at the little ones before his gaze shifted to the woman. "You are going to have your paws full. Good luck." He spoke kindly to her. He hoped that she and the little ones would enjoy the festivities though!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.