
it's a party and you're invited!

[ fest meet and greet ]


09-02-2022, 01:33 AM
Alaois was interested, to say the least, in the festival that one of the packs was holding here in Boreas. The man wasn’t sure what to make of the wolves of this land just yet, but he figured that it couldn’t hurt to go and see what the fuss was about. Besides, he might even be able to speak to some fellow loners and encourage them to follow Calida and himself. It was a long shot, sure, but… wasn't it worth taking if they did manage to find a follower here? And if not, well, that wasn't the end of the world either. His mother has spent bits and pieces of his younger life engaging in special days not so far off from the so-called Summer Fest. It had been something he enjoyed as a pup and, perhaps, he might enjoy it as an adult. He didn't expect Calida to come but perhaps that was for the best. This could be something he as a soldier checked out alone.

Alaois was particularly curious about the pack that was holding this event. He wanted to pick their minds so to speak and see what made them tick. Not necessarily in a malicious way either - it wasn't as if he had the manpower to stand up to a pack of any sort anyway. Especially not one with enough of a reputation to hold a festival of this sort. How many wolves have they reached out to, he wondered? And how many of these wolves were actually allies of the pack hosting the event? It'd be good to see how the wolves of Boreas bonded… and perhaps give him some lessons for when he one day tried to form a following of his own.

Alaois arrived after several others, not that the man cared when he arrived so long as he showed up. For the time being, he sat alone, though his posture wasn't one that would deter others from sitting with him. Instead, he seemed calm, resting with his tail curled around his paws as he waited for more guests to arrive.