
You shine brighter than the stars

Ike <3



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-02-2022, 07:50 AM
Having her best friend join Ashen was better than she could imagine, but if she was honest Ike had been avoiding being alone with Remus. She knew that her body was going through dramatic changes and they made her uncomfortable and awkward on her best days. Being around Remus just intensified the strange and frightening feelings. Ike didn’t know how to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, and she just hoped he hadn’t really noticed. Thankfully she could really trust her friend, he was integrating himself into Ashen without much effort. He was just as dutiful as she was in his responsibilities. So she wasn’t incredibly worried he would notice her odd behavior.

The Princess was finishing up a patrol when Remus found her that early evening. His smile and his insistence that she follow him. For only a moment she tried to deny him, especially with the mere sight of him causing her to flush and feel a clench in her core as her belly filled with butterflies. He didn’t let her argue, and because she felt bad about not spending much time with him she gave no more protest. She couldn’t deny the feelings inside that blossomed as he grinned in response to her agreement.

She followed him out of Ashen lands, having Tanto return to the palace to let the other Akitas know that she would be gone. Anko, her mother’s dog, was the head of the canine servants of the palace. If anything happened, Venom would eventually know where they were. Not that Ike had any worry as she loped along at Remus' side. The Princess didn’t know why she felt so nervous as they walked, Remus always did everything in his power to make her comfortable and to relax. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, and she felt bad about the natural processes within. They were both uncomfortable and weirdly pleasant, but she didn’t understand and so she lingered in the grief of it all. Her little blushes and the smile lingering on her features covered the discomfort within as they walked.

They were mostly quiet on the way,it was a nice walk and despite the internal discomfort she really liked being with Remus. By the time they were arriving to their destination the sun was beginning to set and the soft glow of the golden hour revealed the little spot he had already prepared for them. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught as he guided her to their little meadow. Stars began to sparkle in the sky above, lightning bugs were beginning to rise from the grasses and bring a twinkle to the trees and the flowers around them. It was beautiful and romantic and Ike could scarcely believe she was here with Remus. The flush of her cheeks would be a permanent placement all night, she was sure.

With the setting revealed she felt herself become more nervous even as he ushered her to the cozy setting. She couldn’t really bring words to her lips so as his attention shifted to the fire Ike lowered herself to the furs by the fire pit. She knew this setting was meant for far more than just a couple of friends. Her nerves wouldn’t settle, but she tried to anyway. "It looks like it’ll be a really nice night.” Ike tried to settle herself with small talk, but little glimpses of Remus and his rump kept the annoying flicker of excitement lingering in her veins.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"