
At Long Long Last



04-23-2013, 11:15 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


All had been set in place some time ago. Not trusting to some birthing den away form the pack, Crusade had explored the cave that the wolves all used for their lair. At the back there were some lovely little alcoves. They were off to the side, dotted with a mineral pool here and a bit of moss there. It was lovely. Crusade had been well looked after by her family all these months of her pregnancy, and despite her old age, all seemed to be going perfectly.

Except for one thing - where was Keki? Crusade had been more or less confined to cave these last weeks, and though Gargie assured her Keki was still about somewhere, her motherly instincts were on overdrive. Her brother had to forcibly keep her in the den at one point. (But then she'd asked him earlier on to make sure she didn't do anything that would upset the little ones within her)

The birthing pangs came quiet early in the morning. Crusade grunted quietly, but that was all. She picked herself up from where she'd been laying with Maka and picked her way around the other sleeping bodies to the back of the cave - down the passageways to her little corner. She laid down in the bed of juniper and caribou fur. She'd been through this before. She refused to let herself get too scared.


Come morning there were tiny mewling sounds coming from the far reaches of the cave. Crusade stretched out on her side with three plump little darlings suckling at her belly fur. There were just grey balls of fluff at the moment - eye color and pelt designs were something that she would have to wait to see. What she did now was that two were male and one was female.

There were lovely... so little... And so alive. Though Crusade was tired as all get out, she refused to let her eyes close. Not yet. Not until there were others around and she was satisfied that her babies were healthy.

The rest of the pack would be waking up soon. With the smells of newborns and milk, no doubt Cifer and Gargie and the others would be coming to investigate soon. The new mother wanted to save the naming of the children until their father was present.

For now she was content - beyond content - she was bursting with joy just to get to lick her little fluffballs and watch them nurse hungrily. One of them even turned up it's squinty eyed head and yawned - showing toothless little gums.

"What angels you will be," Crusade murmured. "Welcome to Glaciem my loves."

(ooc: any Glaciems are welcome to peek in!)
