
know your enemy


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
09-02-2022, 05:30 PM

It was so quiet and still that he was beginning to think that he had just imagined things or maybe just caught the scent of someone that had passed by, but just as he was going to make himself give it up and continue on his way there was a soft rustling in the bushes that made his lavender and blue gaze snap toward the sound. A small girl emerged, her coat mostly inky and dark with just a soft, faded patch of blue across her face with golden markings under her eyes. Once she was fully out in the open he could see the speckles of golden light that dotted over her fur like stars. He blinked a couple of times, thinking maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him, but no. Her markings were actually glowing and twinkling.

He had never seen anyone that looked like her before and in the daze that her pretty and eye catching looks caused he nearly missed what she had said entirely. There was a moment where his domineering bravado slipped when his eyes went wide with awe before he caught himself and his face flushed hot with embarrassment. "Ye-yeah!" he began to reply, his voice cracking in the middle of the word causing his face to burn even hotter. He cleared his throat, puffing his chest back out again as he tried to regain some scraps of composure. "Yeah, exactly! You don't want to mess with Ashen!" he insisted, taking back up his attempts at looking intimidating to scare off the loner that had been skulking around their borders.

"Sitri Abraxas-Destruction"