
Agni Kai

The Final Showdown


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-03-2022, 07:19 PM

Finally, they would be done with Oxx.  Rudy’s emotions swirled with a mix of fear and boundless rage along with anticipation for the fight ahead.  Pains and fears from the past fed the rage.  What the bastard had done to his family, even to Art who was such a master fighter and sisters.  Top it all off with when he’d desecrated mom’s grave.  The normally happy Rudy was a different wolf right now.  It was like shedding a skin of joy and dreams to something darker that wanted to cause pain.  Death wasn’t enough, he needed to cause pain to the one who had caused so much of it.  Oxx had wanted to teach Rudy a lesson?  Yeah, good job.  Rudy had learned hate and rage and how to feed it more and more.

Rudy had always preferred hunting at night, where the shadows were his friend and so other than his emotional state the act of tracking prey like this felt so natural.  At the sight of the fire, he paused even as Art directed them to do so.  Rudyard's eyes quickly scanned the darkness, and grudgingly nodded at Artorias words.  When his brother went off with Chimera instead of Rudy he watched worriedly.  He wanted to protect his brother but with a glance to Ezra he nodded to go with him.  Ezra was a hallows wolf and Rudy had a responsibility as family to put just as much work into protecting him.  

The fire proved he was near.  When the scent of piss struck the fire, followed by the water they all learned jut how near he was.  Rudyard’s gaze looked up from the arch the water had to take but the damn smoke shrouded the area from clear view.  Rage and fear clenched in Rudy’s chest about seeing the monster again.  He wasn’t alone this time though.  Between the four of them, Oxx had no chance.  Hadn’t Rudy made himself stronger since then?  He’d demanded a right to help kill Oxx and he fed his fear to the rage, stoking the fire inside him.

Rudy listened to the rocks falling, flicking an ear in disdain.  Did the beast think they were all pups without an ounce of experience or common sense?  His gaze looked to Ezra when he called for his attention and Rudy nodded turning to follow.  It was important to not let Oxx find any of them alone.  This wasn’t a one-on-one fair fight they were aiming for.  This was a well-organized completely unfair battle to win.  Oxx would be nothing more than prey they hunted down as they did a large prey animal for dinner.

Rudy climbed with Ezra and then a sound came to his ears.  The sound of a battle.  Rudy charged forward, eyes widening as he urged his body to move faster, straining all his muscles to move as fast as they were able.  There were wolves that needed protection and a monster that needed slaying.

Chimera had already ripped into a shoulder and Ezra was going for another leg.  Oxx wasn’t escaping and was in no shape to win the fight already.  With Oxx down Rudy’s mind asked the most important question.  How to hurt him.  What could he take from Oxx?  Oxx had taken toes and tail from Rudy and he had to pay back.  

Rudy got there and came to a realization of how wonderful antlers could be.  With Oxx down and pinned Rudy used his antlers to step in and stab an antler into an eye. It wasn’t enough pain though.  Rudyard wanted more.  He wanted Oxx to suffer and the more he saw Oxx the more the desire for suffering grew in his belly.  
