
what's so cool about buffalo, anyways?

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"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

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6 Years
Dire wolf

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09-03-2022, 11:37 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2022, 11:39 PM by Azure. Edited 2 times in total.)

Azure blinked as she explained that her parents were north, the meaning behind the words sinking in at last. This yearling did not have the protection of her parents, they were in another pack entirely? His tattered ears flicked back briefly, the only show of emotion that was unconcealed at the realization. Had she mentioned that earlier? It was possible she had - Azure had a bad habit of half-ignoring things children said on his best days, but now that he was more 'invested' in her well being, the idea was that much more upsetting. "I see."He commented softly, unwilling to speak poorly about the girl's parents and his true thoughts on what sort of wolf would go join a pack and not bring their child along.

To his offer, Lucette insisted she had to speak to her friend. Azure's large head nodded slowly (he'd anticipated as much, from how much he'd heard of the stubborn and rash male already) and did not argue it. She seemed uncertain and even perhaps a bit afraid, and Azure wished he was better at reading a wolf's emotions so he could determine whether her consideration was out of niceties or genuine desire pushed down by fear. "The offer will remain open."He assured her. "I would not want to see you made a cape either, I've bloodied enough wolves this season, I would not wish to be forced to avenge you." The comment of one day perhaps needing to come alone did confuse him, though he kept the question to himself - knowing that with how talkative this child was, if it was something she was willing to share that she would have already.

With a sigh he turned his head back to the north, squinting over the trees toward the distant mountain beyond. "Regrettably, I must be heading home now. But do keep my offer in mind, and take it to your Bae-Syl." He rocked on his paws a moment, considering further before adding a bit more. "If you find yourself in danger, you can come as well. Whether you wish to join or not, alright? Just let me know."Tenderness was not his strongest attribute and there was a clear awkwardness in his tone as he extended the revised offer. Regardless of whether she was or would be one day his pack member, Azure felt an odd sort of desire to offer his protection. Likely some freaky inheritance from Sirius, he assumed. Nodding his head in farewell, he turned and moved to depart. "Take care, and stay safe."

-attempted exit-


Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.