
it's a party and you're invited!

[ fest meet and greet ]


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
09-04-2022, 01:10 PM

News of the Menagerie’s festival had reached the red woman’s ears and, Keahi is excited to see what Wren has done. Red paws carry her toward the sparse pines, her polar bear armor firmly in place over her red frame. She does not anticipate needing it but the warm fur that lays against her much thinner-then-normal coat helps to stave off the cold chill of the northern region. The dagger with its special scabbard dyed to match the hue of her fur is firmly buckled in place against her foreleg. Again, she did not bring it to use against anyone but to protect herself from predators that might be roaming.

A beautiful rock pulls Keahi’s ocean blue eyes down to the ground and a warm smile tugs at her red lips. Rocks and petals are scattered about, creating a gentle, yet eye-catching pathway to the Menagerie’s southern border. The red wolf steps over into the path, following the beautiful trail. Soon, the form of her adopted sister comes into view, with Wren is situated near the predefined entrance to the festival. The tropical woman makes her to the russet woman, a huge, proud smile on her lips as her ocean blue gaze scans the festival area.

Awe stretches the lines of her face as she takes in the flowers that hanging in ribbons from the branches of the trees so that, every time a gentle breeze rolls through the area, the lines move and rustle the gentle petals together. The soft herbal scent that fills the area, is pleasant and, as she stops by Wren, Keahi is thoroughly enchanted by the festival. Turning her gaze to her adoptive sister, the red woman dips her head in greeting, saying, “Wren! I have been meaning to come visit but the timing was never right. I must say, this is amazing!” Eyes sparkle with joy as she leans in, aiming to give her sister a gentle, affectionate head bump.

With that, Keahi excuses herself, wishing to make way for any party goers that may be waiting behind her. Before she leaves, the red woman leans in and says, “I am so proud of you. Congratulations!” Another, proud smile flashes across her features as she departs, looking around at the gathered wolves before moving toward the area with refreshments and settling in to watch.

"Keahi Mogotsi"