
Sleepless Night



10 Years
10-12-2013, 11:29 PM

Night had quickly arrived without telling anyone. Stars had begun to shine and sparkle, twinkling in the dark bed of black and blue above the world. The moon decided to show up, giving light to the vast continent that millions of wolves inhabited. A couple of hours into the sky's change of shift, someone awoke with a start. Red and blue eyes blinked open, automatically closing from the cool breeze that swept and curled around her form. Legs clenched to her stomach to prevent the shivers from coming, but the effort was futile. Instead, she rose from her position on the cave floor, stretched, and walked outside.
Odette had been awoken by a horrible dream, something that involved her family disappearing for good and she never seeing them again. It was slowly becoming a reality, which was the sad part. The memories she had from her early childhood were all she had, and unfortunately, they weren't as clear as they used to be. She tried to push away the negativity from her mind, knowing if she became consumed, it would drive her mad. She started to walk down the beach, hoping that it would help clear her mind.
The young pup didn't realize how far she had travelled until she felt a slightly warmer breeze hit her form. It stroked the thick fur that covered her body, making her think she had journeyed far from home. Her gaze had been out of focus when she was walking, but now it was clearer and sharp as she took in her surroundings. The beach had changed, the land past the sand was different, but the water...the water stayed the same. Scents of unknown origin hit her nose and she inhaled deeply, wondering where she had ended up. Silently, she stopped walking and sat in front of the moving waves. Wherever she was, it was a peaceful part of the beach and she quietly enjoyed it.

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