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[Pack Challenge]
09-05-2022, 08:24 AM
Come down, come down sweet reverence
Recluse? Jynn's eyes narrowed for a moment then widened as recognition hit her. "Hey, wasn't she at one of your party's?" She racked her brain trying to recall more details but they didn't arrive so she let the thought go. "Medusa is her name. We sparred some time back but I don't know much about her." Jynn thought the woman seemed a bit odd but hadn't really pegged her as the type that would go after a pack.
"Any favorites on who should win?"
"Recluse. I hate to see her lose her home." Jynn didn't know all that much about either competitor but what little she knew of Recluse hadn't given her any reason to wish for the woman to lose her home, especially when she had children to care for.