
Confuzzled About Life



10 Years
10-12-2013, 11:46 PM

Odette had heard the stories about the Snowfalls and of how her father had once ruled there. She wondered why he had stopped, for the family didn't dwell into details as to why they were rogues living in different places. When Gargoyle had decided to remain at the beach after Ocena's birthing, it was a turn in the right direction for his pups. Odette looked back on learning that they decided to stay longer than planned because of her and her siblings' births and she smiled. She was glad they hadn't gone everywhere like they had talked about. The beach was home.
She was beginning to wonder what it would have been like to grow up in the confines of the Snowfalls. So far, it seemed like a smart place to stay and raise a family. Odette imagined herself playing in the snow, having it become her first best friend outside of her siblings. Winter days all year 'round, nothing but snow and chilly winds to wake her up each morning. Snow began to fall as she thought of the 'What if's?' and her head craned up to see the white flakes swirl down towards her. A lovely sight, to be sure.
It was then that she sensed another presence nearby. An unknown, fresh scent faintly reached her nose and she became tense. Odette slowly lowered her head and her eyes scanned the surrounding area. Heart rate increased and she listened for any sounds that may give away the stranger's position. The sidestep that had been made caused Odette to run towards a nearby pine. At its roots was a huge pile of snow that gathered its way around its entire circumference. She dug herself in, like a lizard trying to avoid the desert heat. Her large form of six months was able to become completely covered, and only her eyes peeked from the pile she had hidden inside of. She waited to see if anything would happen, or better yet -- if someone realized where she was.

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