
Excitement and Awe


10-12-2013, 11:55 PM
Lame iPad posts are lame :c but I wanted to get a reply up for you guys ~

Haunches would greet the muddied terrain of the shoreline as his gaze settled upon the disgruntled features of his reserved sibling, a coy simper manifesting upon own his countenance as the doll's eyes narrowed into icy slits, radiating evident distaste towards his existence. Her expression would not deter the ardent tyke nor would it insinuate waves of remorse to crash upon him, rather causing surges of confidence to flood his interior as he welcomed the fact that he had extracted negative emotions from the brat with naught but mere virulent words. Sapphire depths would flash with amusement that the minuscule titan would not attempt to obscure, skull tipping backwards slightly as he elevated his chin with pride, plush tendril of a tail wrapping tightly about his coiled haunches as the girl refrained from retaliation, indicating that he had reigned victorious this round -- but all with good reason. Baritone vocalizations interjected into the tense atmosphere, causing the tyke's skull to whip about to face in the direction the speech had wafted from, irritation rising within his chest cavity with the knowledge that another had dared to alleviate the current situation with such patronizing tones -- had dared to minimize his attempted damage upon his sibling's confidence! Visage would not shy away from portraying the fury unraveling within the child's interior, lips unfurling over the yellowed bone of his teeth as his gaze fell upon that of his father's.

The rage that had enveloped Severus' facial features gradually dissipated as he listened attentively to his father's piece, more than aware of the truth that lingered behind the man's words. The child was not oblivious to the fact that his mother detested his existence even though his beauty was apparent, and yet still he allowed his skull to turn away from his father to offer his victim a dissenting shake of his head, gaze trailing after the sable brat as she removed herself from his company and approached the gargantuan brute and their slumbering sister, pointedly disregarding his presence out of spite before their mother barged in to rain on Severus' parade, fueling Callisto's ego with boastful compliments. Cerulean eyes rolled in their sockets with unveiled annoyance as he turned his attention upon the small family reunion occurring behind him, pulling his mass upon all fours as he reluctantly maneuvered to join them, approaching from his sister's rear as she voiced a question that apparently plagued the both of them. Curiously, he would look between the duo that spawned him expectantly, and his mother would be the first to offer an answer that worked in the child's favor. "I'll get us back there," he assured his family, arrogance thick in his tones as he puffed out his broad chest with raw confidence. "But you'll have to stay here," the tyke sneered as he looked towards his sister, a devious chortle falling from his cracked lips.