
Buzz Buzz

Aliana & Revenant


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-07-2022, 12:37 AM
After giving the instructions to her two biggest, burliest sons, Aliana watched pleased as punch when Morendo did exactly as he was asked to and without fuss, picking an ideal spot close, but not so close as to crowd the hives. "Good work, Morendo sweetie!" she praised her sweetheart of a son. Revenant, however... "Oh, Revenant, dear! Try to pick a spot within a dozen feet or so. We don't want to confuse the bees!" Ali didn't notice the way Revenant rolled his eyes, but his second choice of location was much better, which the proud mother confirmed with a brisk nod. With all three of them set up, they could move on to the next phase of their construction project.

"Okay, boys, now we get to build the actual hives!" The clouded ash and snow queen moved back over to the pile of lumber she had acquired from driftwood and wrecks along the coast of the island. The old flat boards would make the perfect timber to build the main structure of the hives out of. Picking up a few pieces, Aliana once more dragged them over to her base, showing where she had already cut some notches into the wood, and then the ones she had carved into the planks to make pegs out of them. "I've already gone ahead and cut the notches into your boards and the planks. All we have to do now is put them together to build a sturdy hive, like so!" Ali demonstrated by lifting one of the planks and fitting the pegs into the slots on the base, feeling it slide in easily and hold firm. She wiggled the plank to show how it stood upright and didn't move or topple. "We're going to interlock boards until they're about as tall as I am. Then we'll put the roofs on, and we're done!"

With her final set of instructions given, Ali watched her sons while she let them take first pick at the driftwood planks. They should have more than enough wood between the three of them, but she wanted to observe to answer any questions they had and to make sure they were doing things correct before she'd return to finish hers.

"Aliana & Morendo"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.