
And They Call This 'Sport Fishing'...

Venom, Ike, Remus



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
09-07-2022, 04:03 AM

The older woman is out early, raising with the sun to move across the connected islands of Ashen. There has been a school of bluefin tuna swimming off the shores of Dove Island and Eulogy is determined to catch one or more of them for the pack. Of course, with the fish being so large, she had put out a request for three other wolves to join her endeavor. Venom, the kind young leader of the Empire, had agreed to pass along the word and even went so far as to offer herself. Of course, Eulogy had accepted her help and gave Venom a meeting time, when the sun is fully above the horizon.

There are still some checks she needs to do on the equipment they will be using and the older woman wants to get them done long before the others show. Coming upon the gear she has stashed away from the elements, Eulogy pulls off the cloth covering equipment and lets her eyes roam over the net. Moving to stretch it out, trained eyes scan for any slack in between loops or tears that will need to be repaired. Satisfied that it is up to snuff, Eulogy moves on to the heavy rocks that line one end, and checks that they are firmly attached. Nodding to herself, she checks the top where mini buoys have been attached to keep the top of the net above water.

Everything is good and she moves on to the next item. Three large harpoons, spears that have had their heads modified, are also in working order, and she finally eyes at the bucket of chum that they will be using. Pleased with everything and, since the check is done, the older wolf moves to beach, using her remaining time alone to watch the school’s behavior and come up with a plan of attack. Eulogy may have to teach whoever shows up how to catch these kinds of fish and she doesn’t mind. However, she does want to make sure she has enough information for them when they begin to show up.

The sun raises and the sound of approaching pawsteps pull her attention away from the water and up the beach, where she squints to make out three approaching figures. Time to go fishing!

"Eulogy Destruction"

[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]