
Bellaroche Pups

[Final Litter]

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
09-07-2022, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2022, 12:03 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 3 times in total.)

Name: Lyonesse Kedieo
Nicknames: Nessie, Ly
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral

17"||Light Build||Coat is smooth & fluffy, sticks up at odd angles here and there||Bushy tail||Almond shaped eyes

She is small, but she is mighty. Lyonesse is a big dog packed in a small dog's body. Likely the smallest of the litter and standing no taller than her father, she doesn't let her size stop her from accomplishing big feats. Her coat is pleasing to the eye. Reminiscent of a beautifully put-together cappuccino, her base coat is a creamy tan from head to tail with darker stripes strewn across her body. Sandy beige tones mark her legs & tail, broken up by the striping and the white of her underside. The white markings also throw three jagged stripes on the side of her ribs, smaller than the majority of the brown striping but noticeable against the rest of her cappuccino-like form. A pair of almond-shaped emerald green eyes completes her look! (Unless you count the fur that refuses to lie flat around the base of her tail, shoulders, chest, and other random areas!)


Brave||Bold||Hot-headed||Loyal||Religious||Temperamental||Hates to lose||Struggles with patience||More TBA

Lyonesse is likely geared more toward her mother's personality as opposed to her father's, however, that's not to say she won't pick up on Gavroche's traits as she grows and learns. During her pup hood, the characteristics she is likely to have and retain as an adult begin to show early on. She is brave and bold, though she isn't reckless. She's likely to try and chase off intruders and protect her own regardless of how big or small the threat is. She shows a fearless attitude, even in the wake of danger and disaster, she tries to be the rock that others can hold onto when it feels like their world is crumbling apart. Inquisitive and likely to stick her nose into things, sure, but not annoyingly so. She doesn't like being talked down to and made to seem like she doesn't understand what's going on. She likes to be aware of things and eventually learns to pick up on things that might be bothering others, for instance, if her mother or father are bothered by something or if one of her siblings is having a bad day, she's likely to pick up on it and may try to cheer them up. Should they refuse her efforts, however, she is likely to sulk as she learns that sometimes, people just want to deal with things their own way and that she can't fix everything.

Loyal to those she comes to trust, once you have her as a friend, you can count on her being a friend for life! That is unless you stab her in the back. She's the type that gives chance after chance, but even Nessie has her limits. Should she find herself in a position where it's her well-being over you, she will eventually choose her sanity and will choose to cut off whoever it is that has chosen to abuse her kindness and loyalty. Will it hurt? Sure. But she has ways of dealing with it and moving on, holding onto the good memories until one day, they fade. When it comes to pack loyalty, she will fight tooth and nail to protect her home and packmates, provided the pack she belongs to is one that she respects enough to help defend it. She isn't one for supporting those that think themselves holier than thou or who just like to throw their weight around. Act like you're hot shit and she's likely to look the other way and let you fall.

The Religion of Foi does help her to heal. Praying to them for guidance and turning to them in her darkest hours. She isn't openly religious, however. And she won't shun or ignore her religion in front of others, either. She prefers to pray and show her appreciation for her religion in a more private way, be it whispering a quick prayer before and after a hunt, before a fight, or offering a prayer to someone else who might be struggling. Whatever the case, she finds comfort in them and will often offer silent prayers and perhaps even tributes when she feels the need to.

What some might consider a flaw, Lyonesse sees it as a challenge set forth by the gods and goddesses of Foi. She is a temperamental little beast and sometimes struggles with her emotions depending on the situation. One moment she could be fine and dandy, and the next she's liable to fly off the handle. It's not at random, either. It's more when she sees or hears something she feels is unjust. Talking down to someone else. Picking on others. Talking down, degrading, or insulting her or those she cares about. She doesn't like those that think of themselves above everyone else. Act like a pompous jerk and act like you're above and better than everyone else? You bet she'll have something to say! Also, don't mention her size. She knows she's small. To tell her that over and over well, let's just say them's be fightin' words!

Purchases Needed: Reduced height x6, possible feline claws and/or fangs
Plots and Plans: She is small, but she is mighty! Aims to be the best tiny warrior that she can be, her name means Land of the Lioness >:D
Will you follow Foi?: Personally I will try because it would fit her for sure!
Additional Information: