
Bellaroche Pups

[Final Litter]


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
09-07-2022, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2022, 04:08 PM by Hermes. Edited 2 times in total.)

Name: Haydée Kedieo (The French version of Haidee, which means “modest” or “reverent” in Greek)
Nicknames: Hay, Dee
Gender: Female

Alignment: Lawful Good

Apperance: Haydée’s features are as soft and gentle as her countenance. From the gentle lines of an almost always present smile, to her small stature, this sweet wolf will be easy to overlook.

However, once someone sees her, they will be hard pressed to look away. Haydée’s base coat is the deep russet of the first cold snap of autumn, when vibrant green leaves give way to browns and reds. Around her muzzle, along her chest and belly, ticking her sides and tail, and coating the underside of said tail, the sold, deep red is broken up with a lighter shade. This hue almost appears pinkish but it is actually created because there white fur mixed in among the deep red.

From Haydée’s nose, encompassing her eyes and ears, trailing down her neck, covering the lower half of her front legs, along the top of her back, the topside of her tail and ticking her sides and tail is a dark, bottomless black. However, set into her mask, and further softening her features, sit two bright, emerald green eyes that peer out at the world with love and curiosity.

Height 19”
Size Extra-Small
Build Medium

Analytical ~ Eager ~ Optimistic ~ Supportive ~ Trustworthy

Haydée loves to understand how things work. From interpersonal relationships to the life cycle of plants, she wants to know everything. This eager drive for knowledge will also spill over into her desire to be supportive of her family. Need something from her? Ask and she will gladly give.

Happiness will always be easy for Haydée to find because every dark cloud has a silver lining. Even when it seems like there is no hope to be found, Dee will never lose faith. Some might say this is unrealistic, that she is dreamer but it is she knows the truth; In the darkness, light shines all the brighter.

Whoever crosses her path will be met with kindness, love, and generosity. When someone needs help, Haydée will gladly extend her paw in charity and never expect anything in return. Some may look at with suspicion but Dee will try to prove that they can trust her. Never one to go behind someone’s back, she will always be honest… even if the truth hurts.

Purchases Needed: Height reduction x 3 – 450 (600 – 150 from 25%), Extra pup pass -150, Character slot – 400 = 1000 gems (I will make a donation to get the gems)

Plots and Plans: Family threads! Lots of them. I would like Haydée to shadow her parents, learn everything she can from them and about Foi! Skill threads too, I am trying to get my pups mastered in one skill by a year old, so I may ask for some grinds sorry in advance.

Will you follow Foi?: I think Haydée would follow! I would love some threads with her learning the teachings and feel it out ICly. With that said, she will also want to make her parents happy and will be willing to at least try following Foi.

Additional Information: I think that is everything! <3