



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-07-2022, 09:48 PM

Manea could only chuckle as Azure questioned if his relation to the Warlord was noticeable, giving him another glance. Perhaps if it wasn't for the slashing markings over one eye and the bands of white that stretched from one hip to another and the long, saber-like fangs then maybe she could have thought of him as any other tall, dark, and handsome brute, but there were just too many indicators of his lineage for to think otherwise. As they started the brief walk across the land bridge to the island on the other side, he introduced himself as Azure Fatalis, confirming her suspicions, and then surprised her surprised her when he told her that he was the current Warlord of Armada. She had noticed that Sirius was a bit older than herself when she met him, but she hadn't imagined that he would be retiring so soon. She gave a nod to the greetings that he shared from his father, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Please give him my regards in return when you get back." She hadn't spent a lot of time around Sirius, but she did quite enjoy the intellectual conversation they had shared when they first met and had always had a positive image of the Fatalis man ever since. His children had continued to impress her as well and one's family did certainly weigh on her impression of them.

As they neared the beach, Azure went on to explain what had pulled Sirius away from his duties, and Manea's ears perked at the news that he had stepped down to support his wife in her pregnancy. News of pups was always welcome news to her and she grinned with a gentle wag of her tail. Azure seemed to be taking well to the role that had been placed upon him, at least from what she had seen in the short time with him so far, so at least she was assured that the Armada was in good paws in his father's absence. "Well, it sounds like congratulations are in order. I hope your mother has a smooth and easy pregnancy." She had experienced both sides of the spectrum when it came to her own pregnancies between her first which had been nearly enjoyable and the second which had been far more draining. Though she hadn't met Sirius' wife, she did hope this was more akin to the latter for her.

Stepping onto the sandy, slightly rocky shore of the island, Manea curved their path along the shore toward the mountain range where the pack made most of their dens. Her pace was leisurely as they went so they could speak easily, but she did have a destination in mind once they drew closer to the mountains and the caves that dotted them. "Other than the imminent arrival of your youngest siblings, how is Armada? I'm afraid I haven't made it over to visit recently. I noticed that your pack had moved away from the plains on my last visit to Ashen." She kept her gaze mostly on the path ahead of them, but occasionally as they chatted she did glance toward him to see his expressions or just to make eye contact as they talked.

"Manea Mendacium"