
Britorias Pup Adoptions

The first litter!


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
09-08-2022, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2022, 05:31 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 9 times in total.)
Done! <3

{{Modifications:: Back of front legs and paws capped in gray. Green eyes like Briar. Blue striping on the neck. No horns.}}

Out-of-Character Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Character's Name: Adelina "Adela" Dreamer Carpathius
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 40"
Size: Extra-Large
Build: Light
Alignment: Neutral Good

Adelina is not as tall as some wolves of Boreas though she still stands at forty inches tall. While extra-large in terms of size she bears a lighter build with lean muscle built for speed rather than brute force. She will be leggy and awkward, especially in her puppy and teenage years. As she ages into an adult she will become more elegant in how she carries herself. The woman will bear softer features with plush, fluffy, and well-groomed fur that is more prominent on her cheeks and tail. She will bear ashen black skin, ebony claws, and minty green eyes like her mother. Adelina often smells of leather or berries, two items she likes to work with.

Adela has a black base coat, marked with gray, silver, and dark blue markings. The gray runs from her chin and covers her cheeks before running down her chest and ending about halfway down her belly. Two gray stripes can be found on either front leg, on the upper bit near the shoulder, and five stripes across the rump, one of which broken up, fall on either side of her rear. The backs of her legs are coated in gray that races down toward her paws only to be capped in a lighter silver color instead. Blue stripes under each cheek and outlines the end of her tail, stripes in a set of two across her thigh, and stripes in a set of three across the back of her neck.


Adelina is a creature that is honest, even as a child. She will speak the truth easily, not necessarily because she detests liars, but because being honest just comes easier to her. The femme is generally a good-natured creature, one that tends to be on the helpful side. She loves assisting others, wanting to leave the world a better, warmer place than when she came into it. Adela is passionate as well, both about being there for others and about the work she does. She is dedicated to crafting and gathering materials, something that she finds great joy in doing. She’s creative too, liking to work on different tasks and experiment to make different items. Gifting others is something she will do easily, especially since seeing them smile is the greatest reward she can ask for!

Adelina is an orderly creature overall. She favors balance that is designed for the greater good and the rules that are in place to do just that. The femme is a creature that is just, someone who wants to hear both sides of a situation out and make the right call rather than just assuming one side is right over the other. Adela believes in a strong sense of justice and doing what is necessary to protect the many, even if it means that the darkest of creatures are struck down. She is brave and willing to stand up for what she believes in and the right thing.

Adela is ambitious, though not someone who easily sees herself as a leader despite having leader-like qualities. She is humble, one who believes at the end of the day she’s just as important or normal as any other creature. She is willful, a creature that does not give in or give up just because others want or expect her to. She keeps going, a fiery determination burning within her until pure exhaustion takes her. Finally, the last thing others tend to notice about the girl is her analytical nature. She is one who thoughtfully looks over all bits of information about an object or an individual before making a decision on a statement about them.

Planned Skills: Hunting and Intellect
Mutations: Potential cat paws / claws. It's a maybe!

Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:

Crafting Hobbiest - I want Adela to dabble in crafting but primarily things that do not relate to battle. Accessories, baskets, or bags, even one day assisting in winemaking or crafting clothing or toys. I would love for her to be shown these things by Briar, especially for bonding but 100% welcome threads from anyone in the pack. Coupled with her hunting skill I feel it'd be neat to show the whole process of harvesting ingredients into finished products! As an individual, I would like Adela's primary unique product to be Dreamcatchers!

Companion Idea 1 - A primate to further help Adela with her crafting prowess and help form complex shapes. Possibly a marmoset of some kind? Unsure of gender but leaning toward a well-natured, motherly female. This companion is the one I would likely purchase first.

Companion Idea 2 - A hunting predator, likely feline or canine. Will assist in helping Adela gather materials for crafting while the primate will be more useful in the actual crafting process. Likely male. This companion is likely the one I would purchase last. Possibly a larger species of a fox!

Companion Idea 3 - A bird of prey. Useful in battle for fighting, useful for navigation / a second set of eyes out of battle. Can also be used to scout out prey! This companion is likely to be purchased second.

Specialties - Beast Master (Hunting), Bard (Intellect)

Writing Sample: I have written with you guys (mainly Shelby) before. If you would like me to still fill this out please feel free to reach out via DM! I won't be mad.