
networking through punching you in the face




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years

Ooh La La
09-08-2022, 07:39 PM
Rhian liked not being beholden to a pack. She did! She only wanted to be a part of one if she had power in it, as an alpha especially, although she would settle for being just a high-ranking member -- otherwise what was the appeal? Packs weren't bad, but they didn't hold any pull for her. She had been a child the last time she was in a pack, in Fireside, and it had been... fine. Not bad, but nothing special. Nothing she couldn't get on her own. But there was something she missed. Other wolves. Friends, although she hadn't had many, even her family was gone now. Not dead; they were somewhere but she didn't know how to find them. She didn't need them -- but she wanted them, and was that such a weakness? Yes, she thought suddenly. She knew pups took a lot of care, but that must have happened before she could remember.

Nevertheless, Rhian was -- well, not lonely, but looking. Looking for somebody to talk to. She needed allies, anyway, to form her pack. It would be nice to at least get along with a couple of folks, as embarrassing as the prospect seemed -- she could be strong enough, skilled enough to just make people follow her. But that wouldn't work, probably, and so she had to pretend to be nice for at least a little while. Boring.

She didn't know where to find other wolves, of course, but if she traveled around enough, she was sure to find a couple. She was trolling near a dark thicket now, staying away from the thicker patches of trees so she could move around and not feel boxed in, letting the grass swish against her stomach and legs, just hoping.
Rhian has a lisp due to her elongated fangs, which I may or may not actually remember / care enough to write out!