
What The Hell For?



10-13-2013, 03:26 AM
The meeting had gone over relatively smoothly - although there were worries that the pack had that she simply couldn't wipe clean with words. It was unfortunate, she wished she could put conflict on hold, but it was just impossible with their current situation. Yet there was light at the end of the tunnel - every battle ended and every war did as well. She had tried to remain positive since Gideon had come home - but even that was hard because of the price that he had been returned at.

Battle training had sort of been cancelled, and instead she was going to shift focus to rallying the troops and preparing for this battle. Giving the territory another once over was only being done because of her nerves - it was impossible to know when an ambush was on its way. The alpha felt better being on her feet than trying to rest, but sleep would have to come to her eventually.

Just not in these next few hours.

Happening upon Caerul, she would nod toward the male, her head tilting somewhat when she realized that the male didn't look to be feeling well. She couldn't tell what was bothering him, but she could take a damn good guess - Glaciem had managed to get to them all as of late. "Caerul - is something the matter?" She was proud of the male, he had spoken well during the meeting and during the last as well. The woman was not sure of his skills, but she was sure of his loyalty, and that was enough to make it into her good book.