
Feeling Alive [AW Race]



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Novice Navigator (20)

4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Overachiever
09-09-2022, 07:11 PM
D i m o s t h e n e s

Dime was strolling about the blood-stained field, just prowling for trouble, when the call reached his ears. He loped in the direction for only a few minutes before coming upon the long-legged orangey wolf -- one he'd met before -- who had presumably called out. A race, huh? Dime might be short, but he was fast. He figured he had a chance, and anyway, it was all in fun, probably. Nobody really got hurt racing that he'd ever known of. A rolled ankle here or there, maybe -- besides the bites taken and one wolf lamed for life that he'd seen in one particularly rough one as a pup. Luckily he'd been much too young for even those guys, who had all seemed to grow up long before their turn, to allow him to participate. But that race seemed like it had been an outlier. He always got weird looks the few times he had told the story, at least, and that seemed like a good sign for the sanity and moral values of most racers.

Small ponds dotted the landscape, which didn't look like they'd be fun to accidentally fall into, but he was confident in his ability to see a three-yard pool from enough distance to go around it. He wasn't blind yet. Although it was only a matter of time, given his recklessness. There were a couple of rocks, too. Same strategy to deal with them as with the ponds. Nodding a little to himself, he lined himself up next to Jynn. "Where to?" he asked, both in practicality -- he did need to know where they were running to, after all -- and as means of a sort-of greeting.
