
Free Range Pup!



10 Years
10-13-2013, 03:39 AM

The introductions the russet-faced woman gave to Odette went off without a hitch. The young pup watched and listened to her as she revealed her and the male's names - Chrysanthe and Gideon. She immediately looked from one wolf to the other, making sure she had a face for each name that was told to her. Odette's memory was one of the sharpest at such a young age and she would hold onto these bits of information for as long as she could. Learning about others was a part of growing up.
The Alpha lowered herself to the ground, meeting Odette's eye level and making the pup relax. She didn't have to crane her neck to look up as far and silently, Odette was happy about it. She didn't feel as small, and was kind of relieved that the Alpha could speak to her on the same level. Her tail slowly began to wag behind her as the pretty female then asked of the old Glaciem. Even though her answer was, "I don't know much about the old Glaciem, either, ma'am. I was born after Papa moved the pack to the beach," she felt more at ease in front of Chrysanthe.
Her relaxed feeling was explained when Chrysanthe then mentioned that they were family. She felt her tail picking up speed as she began to get excited and said, "Are we really? That is so weird!" Bright red and blue eyes sparkled as she padded closer and touched her nose to the bigger one in front of her. Wet nose to wet nose, Odette immediately giggled, a sound that was becoming rare to hear from the lonely child.
The offer to see more of the large pack lands made her heart soar. She thought when she had ended up here, she would be set up for doom. Now, after being told that it was another place where her family resided, Odette felt like a weight had been lifted. She wouldn't mind staying until her parents came...if they ever did. Such a thought didn't stay in her mind as she nodded to the couple, saying, "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, Aunt Chrysanthe and Uncle Gideon." The titles she gave the two wolves felt weird on her tongue, but a good weird, like being wet from the ocean waves. Her day was definitely getting better and she hoped that she wouldn't be disappointed.

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