



2 Years
12-01-2013, 11:01 AM

Meinx had no desire to be awoken from her deep slumber, but the sounds of an arrival did tempt the youth to see who would approach the mountains in the winter days. With a moment of groaning the large 'princess' [ she likes to think she can hold an awesomly awesome title] would stand to her regular height and begin to shift through the still area. It didnt take long to spot the target standing boldly outside of the cave, awaiting for the king. What did she seek? A yawn would slip past her onyx lips before stepping inches out of the mouth of her home. " Hello." was the only response to the annoyance of the howls.

Meinx was a child of the winter, she had never been particularly bothered or irritated by the cold; its feeling like knives into the fur as it attempts to scar on the creatures silhouettes. It really was a gift, her fur so thick it isolates her warmth, where as others are not deemed so lucky. The aqua pools would trace over the womans large and muscular frame as she stands there. Meinx was looking for no trouble in her own home, and we all knew amenti was in need of some more members, and the woman in front seemed perfect for the job, was she not?

The tounge would sliver over her thin lips, still staring at the womans appearance. Since Syrinx had taken the thrown this woman was by far the most beautiful, the rest looked rather bland- except for her mother who made a faint appearance at the ss.antitox. " Who are you and why are you here? Im Meinx Adravendi, a child of amenti." There, she had done it. The girl had spoken instead of being the entirely blunt wolf that she naturaly is. And for that she felt like she needed an applause.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.